• Established

    Established in 1936 and affiliated with the Cat Fanciers' Association, the Garden State Cat Club of NJ, Inc. (GSCC) is one of the oldest and most prestigious cat clubs in the country. With a membership now numbering over 75 cat lovers, it is also one of the largest.

    Since 1982, in keeping with one of the Club's primary objectives, the Garden State Cat Club has donated over $100,000 to feline health research, $64,000 to feline welfare and has provided $16,000 to CFA and its North Atlantic Region.

    The Garden State Cat Club is a non-profit educational organization holding 501(c)(3) designation from the Internal Revenue Service.

  • Cat Show

    The Club's annual Cat Show is one of the country's premier shows, with the most cats competing and on exhibition. The Club has been particularly active in introducing new formats and educational features. In 2005, the GSCC introduced Cat Agility competitions, the first such CFA competition on the East Coast.

    The Club’s most recent innovation in the Cat Show is the combination of educational and entertaining activities to include feline healthcare demonstrations, seminars and a “Kids Korner” with feline-related activities for children. Attendees can shop with vendors from all over the country who present the latest products for kitties and their humans.

  • CFA Support

    In addition to the annual Garden State Cat Club Show there are special benefit shows in support of CFA functions which are occasionally staged by the Morris & Essex Cat Club with the Garden State Cat Club's as an affiliated club.

  • Community Support

    In addition to staging the annual Cat Show, members are actively involved in a variety of community service activities. These include presentations to schools, civic groups, 4-H and other organizations for the purpose of educating the public regarding feline care, welfare and responsible pet ownership.

  • Animal Welfare Initiatives

    The Club is supportive of animal welfare initiatives, while also supporting the breeding of pedigreed animals. We support “no-kill” groups that are dedicated to the proper care of pets and the control of the pet population through neutering and spaying and keeping cats indoors. We also support TNR – Trap, Neuter, and Release of feral cats into managed colonies where appropriate.

  • Club Meetings

    Club meetings are held at 7:30 PM on the 4th Tuesday of each month except for August and December. We meet in a centrally-located restaurant so you're welcome to come early and eat with the many members who have dinner together prior to meetings.

    It's not all business!

    Traditional Club functions include a Holiday party in December and a Spring Social in May.

    Regular meetings include an educational program, when possible, in addition to the regular Club business agenda.

  • Membership

    Anyone interested in the clubs objectives may apply for associate or junior (under 18 years of age) membership by completing the downloadable pdf form and mailing it with a dues check to the address below, or handing it with a check to any club member.

    Associate and Junior members are entitled to all club privileges except voting for officers and holding elected office. They are encouraged to attend meetings and social affairs, join in committee work and participate in staging the annual Expo.

    Transfer to full membership is dependent on participation in club affairs, attendance at meetings and demonstrated commitment to club objectives.

    Annual dues are good through the end of the calendar year. The cost is $20 individual or $30 family.

    All members are encouraged to help with the planning and presentation of the Annual Cat Expo show in July that is well-known and is the largest show in New Jersey. In addition to the show itself, there are exciting demos, events and extraordinary shopping for all things cat-related.

    There are no prerequisites for membership other than an interest in pursuing the club objectives. It is not necessary that the applicant own a cat.

    We also communicate extensively by email, so be sure to provide your email address on the application.

    Joann Lamb, Membership Committee, 900 West 190th St, Apt. 9K, New York, NY 10040

  • Membership Application

    Click Here for PDF

    Membership Questions: lambchp@gmail.com

    Dues: $20.00 Individual / $30.00 Family

    Payment: Send check or money order made payable to Garden State Cat Club — in US funds to cover the application fees & annual dues

    OR — PayPal: oww4293@gmail.com

Garden State Cat Club of New Jersey, Inc.

Membership Form

Membership Application

Dues: $20.00 Individual $30.00 Family